Friday, March 12, 2010

I fail.

Oh. My. Goodness.
I haven't updated in so long! I'm terribly sorry about that one!

So I'm currently out of internet at my apartment, so I'm here at the City Hub using their free internet (I really should be here much more often). I currently have two friends who attend school at the University of Wisconsin- Eau Claire back home (But are studying in Lismore, Australia) visiting me here! They're currently napping- We've had a busy couple of days. It's been really fun though- I like playing tour guide. :)

I promise I'll work on getting some more pictures up. I just get so caught up in actually doing things that I forget to stop and take pictures of them, and then it's much harder for me to take time to sit down and upload them. Golly.

As far as school is going, I finished my second week, and I can sense a routine starting to form, which is a promising thing. :) I think it'll be a pretty interesting semester. I have a feeling I'll really like my Psych course, even though I feel like I know everything already. Hm...

My plan for this week is to work really hard to get ahead on everything so when my parents come to visit (YAY!) I can focus on having a good time with them. I'm super excited about it. I have many adventures coming up!

Spring break will soon be upon us, and I cannot wait. It'll be such an awesome experience! Traveling down the east coast of AUS! WOO!

But for now, I'm currently enjoying my city of Newcastle with some friends. :) I'll try to give you guys a longer post with pictures soon! :) :)

Word up!

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