The last day. I leave tomorrow morning on the train to Sydney, and from there I fly to Fiji, then LA, then Phoenix, and then finally, Minneapolis. It's been quite a run. I've experienced more here than I ever thought possible. At first, I didn't think I changed much. But looking back on it, I think I'm a very different person now than I was.
I feel like I'm more confident in who I am. I know who I want to be and I think that's the first step in getting there. I tried new foods and I met new people and was involved in new experiences. I tested myself and found my limits.
Australia will always hold a major part of my heart. I will be coming back. I know a lot of people say that and never do, but watch out world. Never get in my way and tell me I can't. There were people who told me I wouldn't even get to Australia. Who's laughing now eh?! Hahaha that would be me!
Anyways, I want to say thank you to everyone who visited me, everyone I met, and everyone back home. I love you all and I'm so happy that you're a part of my life. This has been the most incredible thing I've done, and I love that you were a part of it. :) To those I'm leaving here, I really hope I see you soon. To those I'm going home with, let's come back. To those I'm going home to, let's get out and go see more of this world eh?
Thanks again to everybody, and don't be a stranger. Life's too short for that!
Love love.
The world is yours, Kelsey-roo! We're so glad you were able to have such a wonderful experience and we're so happy to have you coming back home again. We love you!