I bet we all saw that coming... including me.
Last night sucked, because I was in my bed by 12, which is an improvement, and when do I wake up? 6!!! SIX IN THE MORNING! Could I get back to sleep? Noooooooo. Why? Who knows?!?!
Stupid insomnia. I'm going to give it a name. Kirk. Kirk has been plaguing me for far too long. Ridiculous.
Anyways so I did yoga this morning, which calmed me down and it felt really good. :) If you ever are in need of yoga, but don't want to go to a class, YouTube it! Yay YouTube!!
So Lindsey leaves for La Citta Eterna on Wednesday. Two days! I'm going to miss you Linds! You're going to have the best time of your life! (And I'm looking forward to that collage of gelatos you told me about!) It's going to be weird being on a separate continent from your friends and family. Thank god for Skype.

Anyways, I have generalized packing done for Fiji, but thanks to Linds I am now equipped with a healthy list of things I'm bringing. I hate weight restrictions.
BUT I'm super super excited for Fiji. I can't wait to be tan again. People have been telling me I've been looking pale lately, which is shocking for me, and I hate that. I've always been tannish. I need tannnn!
Alas. I should get on with my day. Time to go to Tarjay and get some stuff, and then Linds and I have our camera class tonight! Hooray camera class! I'll finally figure my camera out! 'Bout time!
Later loveskis.
PS. I know I talk about the same things in practically every post, but that's because nothing really excited has happened yet... just wait until I get there!!!!
OH and please keep donating to Haiti through the Red Cross or other established organizations! Things like this don't just go away!
hahaha. kirk. i love it!