Today's challenge:
Packing trial # 56478
Or so it seems.
I went to REI yesterday with my dad and we got me some hiking-ish shoes. They're more shoes than hiking, but they're pretty hardcore. I also asked the guy in backpacks if he thought my pack was big enough for what I'm attempting. He said if I go any bigger, the pack will just be huge and really difficult. So I'll stick with it I guess. Eep. I'm just worried about fitting my shoes in there. I've decided I officially don't like trying to be a minimalist. It's too hard for me haha.
So Tricia and I are going to get our bus passes when we land in Auckland, so that'll be good- then we don't have to worry about them mailing it to us. Convenience is of the essence. I feel like I have a lot to do, but don't really have to get it done just yet. Which is stupid because I am getting stuff done, it just feels slow. It's hard for some reason. Maybe that's because I'm backpacking beforehand... I don't know. Hmmm...
My dog is snoring again. I am going to miss his fuzzy blond self. Which reminds me, I should probably print out pictures I want to bring with me...
My mom and I were on Google Earth yesterday looking up where stuff was in relation to my apartment place down there. I'm pretty close to what I'll need, which is sweeeeet. I'm going to have to get used to riding the train though... which will be weird. Ten bucks says I get lost. Haha probably not a good thing to think. I hope I get tan. I miss being tan.
ANYWAYS. Should probably commence my packing trial now. Off with me.
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